
Glymphatic System Assessment Using DTI-ALPS in Age-Dependent Neurodegenerative Diseases
Liaskovik A.A., Konovalov R.N., Shpilyukova Y.A., Nevzorova K.V., Moskalenko A.N., Fedotova E.Y., Krotenkova M.V.
Current means for identifying the latent stage of a neurodegenerative process
Illarioshkin S.N., Vlassenko A.G., Fedotova E.Y.
Primary Progressive Aphasia: Variants and Main Language Domains
Akhmadullina D.R., Fedotova E.Y.
Features of in vitro, in silico and transgenic models of Alzheimer’s disease
Kolobov V.V., Storozheva Z.I.
Modern pharmacological models of Alzheimer’s disease
Kolobov V.V., Storozheva Z.I.
Arc/Arg3.1 expression in the brain tissues during the learning process in Alzheimer's disease animal models
Ryazanova M.V., Averchuk A.S., Stavrovskaya A.V., Rozanova N.A., Novikova S.V., Salmina A.B.
Regional pattern of beta-amyloid accumulation in the preclinical and clinical states of Alzheimer’s disease
Vlassenko A.G., Morris J.C., Minton M.A.
Quantitative characteristics of EEG in Alzheimer’s disease during cognitive tasks
Sergeev A.V., Medvedeva A.V., Voznesenskaya T.G.
Features of sodium magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its application in neurology
Sinkova V.V., Krotenkova I.A., Lyaskovik A.A., Konovalov R.N., Krotenkova M.V.
Difficulties of clinical diagnosis in primary progressive aphasia. Clinical observation
Barantsevich Y.P., Koval’chuk Y.P., Mel’nik Y.V., Emanuel’ V.S., Emanuel’ Y.V.
Monoclonal antibodies in neurology: current state and future development
Zakharova M.N.
Neurovascular coupling and cerebral perfusion in aging, cerebral microangiopathy and Alzheimer’s diseases
Dobrynina L.A.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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