Ultrasound of nerves of the lumbal plexus

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Ultrasound examination of femoral, saphenous and lateral cutaneous femoral nerves was performed in 25 healthy volunteers (50 extremities) with normal body weight, at mean age 37±4.3 years. Examination procedure and topography of the investigated nerves are described. The nerves’ identification is possible due to anatomical landmarks. Femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves were visualized in all cases. Cutaneous nerves are available for proper visualization in subjects with normally developed subcutaneous fat. Structural features of nerves didn’t show statistically significant sexual and bilateral distinctions. Sonography is an accessible method for examination of certain lumbar plexus nerves.


About the authors

S. A. Likhachev

Republican Research and Clinical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Belarus

Email: sergeilikhachev@mail.ru
Belarus, Minsk

N. I. Charnenka

Republican Research and Clinical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Belarus

Author for correspondence.
Email: sergeilikhachev@mail.ru
Belarus, Minsk


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Copyright (c) 2013 Likhachev S.A., Charnenka N.I.

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