Metabolic syndrome and ischemic stroke
- Authors: Tanashyan M.M.1, Orlov S.V.1, Domashenko M.A.1, Ionova V.G.1
- Research Center of Neurology
- Issue: Vol 1, No 3 (2007)
- Pages: 5-11
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 07.02.2017
- Published: 14.02.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 432
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Metabolic syndrome is multifactorial (hyperinsulinaemia, arterial hypertension, dyslipidaemia, obesity) condition with the increased risk of cerebrovascular diseases. In the majority of cases it is associated with its influence on the system оf haemorrheology and haemostasis. In our study we investigated two groups of patients with ischemic stroke: 20 with and 20 without metabolic syndrome. Patients with metabolic syndrome had slower recovery and worse outcome after stroke compared to patients without metabolic syndrome. It was showed that metabolic syndrome makes worse common macro and microrheological blood parameters: increases thrombocyte and erythrocyte aggregation, decreases erythrocyte deformability. The exhaustion of all components of atherombogenic (antiaggregation, anticoagulation and fibrinolytic) potential of the vessels’ wall was also demonstrated. All revealed changes stimulate forming of thrombi and make worse microcirculation in patients with metabolic syndrome. The monitoring of haemorrheological and haemostatic parameters is essential for improving of the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke, especially patients with metabolic syndrome background.
About the authors
Marine M. Tanashyan
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
S. V. Orlov
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
M. A. Domashenko
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
V. G. Ionova
Research Center of Neurology
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow
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