Assessment of the operative memory capacity based on endogenous evoked potentials (P300 method) without neuropsychological testing
- Authors: Gnezditskiy V.V.1, Chatskaya A.V.1, Korepina O.S.1, Klochkova O.I.2
- Research Center of Neurology
- Faculty of Public Health, Pacific State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 27-34
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 31.01.2017
- Published: 03.02.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 73
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We analyzed the dependence of the operative memory (OP) capacity on P300 parameters in healthy individuals and patients with a varying degree of memory impairments. Our findings demonstrated a strong correlation between the OP capacity and the P300 latent period. On this basis, we provided a atisfactory quantitative description of OP using the P300 latent period that was comparable to neuropsychological testing in most individuals and patients. Thus, the P300 method provides a quantitative measure of OP, which is particularly important when neuropsychological testing is not possible for some reasons, e.g., aphasia, unresponsive state, etc.
About the authors
V. V. Gnezditskiy
Research Center of Neurology
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow
A. V. Chatskaya
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
O. S. Korepina
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
O. I. Klochkova
Faculty of Public Health, Pacific State Medical University
Russian Federation, Vladivostok
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