науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  от 6 декабря 2022 № 02-1198 «О Перечне рецензируемых научных изданий» журналу присвоена категория К1 (Познакомиться с полным списком научных рецензируемых изданий, распределенных на категории, можно на сайте ВАК). 


Публикация статей в журнале является бесплатной. К публикации принимаются оригинальные статьи в области клинической и фундаментальной неврологии:

Основные разделы журнала:

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1. Types of Articles

Annals of clinical and experimental neurology publishes articles on different aspects of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, different topics in neuroscience, historical neurology and neuroscience, as well as on related medical specialities.

Accepted types of articles:
1. Original papers. Results of researches. Accepted papers present the data of researches in clinical neurology, neuroscience (including cognitive neuroscience, cellular and molecular neuroscience).
2. Technology reviews. Reviews describing novel methods and technologies and their application in clinical neurology and neuroscience.
3. Reviews. Reviews of current advances in Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience.
4. Clinical cases. Descriptions of rare clinical cases or cases that represent a diagnostic challenge providing analysis and discussion of the presented data.
5. Historical neurology and neuroscience. Biographies of exceptional figures in clinical neurology and neuroscience.

2. General information

2.1. Publication Ethics. Annals of clinical and experimental neurology adheres to the Publication Ethics and ethical standards for publication in the journal, which are listed Here. Before sending the manuscript all authors are encouraged to review the publication ethics section.
2.2 Review. All articles submitted to the editorial office, pass the review procedure. The reviewing procedure is described Here.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit articles.
2.3. Publication fees. Publication of articles in the journal is free. Author’s copy of the journal is not provided.
2.4. Plagiarism. Only materials that have never been published or have been submitted for publication elsewhere can be accepted for printing. Submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism.
2.5. Conflicts of Interest. Authors are required to submit information about potential conflicts of interest, including financial, personal and other relationships with other persons or organizations that could potentially lead to the distortion of data presented in the manuscript, for 3 years prior to the date of submission. These conflicts of interest, as well as a statement of their absence should be provided in the relevant section of the manuscript and the conflicts of interest form.
2.6. Information on funding sources. If reliable, indicate funding sources. In the absence of funding sources, the authors need to state this in the relevant section of the manuscript and the conflicts of interest form.
Description of the history of development of leading departments. Нistory of important events in neurology and neuroscience.

3. Authorship requirements

Authorship requirements were composed in accordance with the recommendations for medical journal editors of the International Committee (ICMJE). All those qualifying for authorship should meet all four of the following criteria:
1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
3. Final approval of the version to be published;
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.”

The authors should be identified before submitting the manuscript. All those who participated in the preparation of work (technicians, etc.), but do not meet authorship requirements, may be listed in the “acknowledgements”. One author responsible for contact with the editorial board should be indicated at the time of submission. This author should be available for contact during the peer-review procedure, as well as after the publication of the article. The author responsible for contact with the editorial board should be able to provide answers, comments and additional information if required.

4. Submitting a manuscript

The following documents are required as attachments:

  1. Cover letter from the organization containing a brief description of the research and its relevance, explanation of its novelty, article type.
  2. Conflict of interest signed by all co-authors. (ICMJE disclosure form is here)

5. Guidelines for authors

General information
The article should be printed using a 12-point font size, double-spaced on a A4 paper dimensions with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides of the text.
All units must be specified in the SI system.
All drugs should be given in the form of International Nonproprietary Names (INN).
Abbreviations which are not widely accepted, must be deciphered at their first occurrence in text.

The manuscript should be clearly structured and include the following sections:

 5.1. Title page

The title page should contain the following sections:

1) The title of the article – short and informative (preferably no more than 10 words);
2) The names of authors (to index authors, use last name and initials);