Demyelinating optical neuritis: correlation of data of optical coherence tomography and multifocal electroretinography
- Authors: Neroev V.V.1, Eliseeva E.K.1, Zueva M.V.1, Lysenko V.S.1, Zakharova M.N.2, Tsapenko I.V.1, Semenova N.A.1, Simaniv T.O.2
- Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
- Research Center of Neurology
- Issue: Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
- Pages: 22-26
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 01.02.2017
- Published: 09.02.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 186
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The analysis of optical coherence tomography and multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) at 61 hexagons data is presented in three groups of patients: (1) with multiple sclerosis (MS) and optical neuritis (ON) (14 patients), (2) with ON of unknown etiology (19 patients), and (3) with ON of infectious etiology (12 patients). In patients with MS, the correlation of the P1 component latency of mfERG in the perifovea with retinal thickness in the central zone in all quadrants of fundus (except superior), as well as with the total macular volume was revealed, that allows using this mfERG parameter as a marker of MS progressing. The results of our study showed that the calculation of the ratio in the density of P1 R1/Rx may be recommended as an additional marker of acute process in functional diagnosis. Patients with ON of infectious etiology were characterized by the decrease in the retinal thickness in a perifoveal zone of temporal and inferior quadrants and the reduction in the density and the amplitude of P1 in all rings.
About the authors
V. V. Neroev
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Moscow
E. K. Eliseeva
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow
M. V. Zueva
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Moscow
V. S. Lysenko
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Moscow
Maria N. Zakharova
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
I. V. Tsapenko
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Moscow
N. A. Semenova
Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Moscow
T. O. Simaniv
Research Center of Neurology
Russian Federation, Moscow
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