Quality of life as an integral indicator for effectiveness of rehabilitation in patients with ischemic stroke
- Authors: Luk'yanchikova L.V.1, Bel'skaya G.N.1
- South-Ural State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 11, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 5-14
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 28.09.2017
- Published: 28.09.2017
- URL: https://annaly-nevrologii.com/journal/pathID/article/view/482
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.17816/ACEN.2017.3.1
- ID: 482
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Introduction. Neurological deficits due to ischemic stroke may cause temporary or permanent disability affecting quality of life. Thus, quality of life assessment is important for evaluation of rehabilitation outcomes and general state of the health after a vascular accident.
Objective. To evaluate quality of life in patients in the recovery period of hemispheric ischemic stroke within subsequent year after a vascular accident.
Material and methods. One hundred twenty-three patients (age ranging 40–80 years) with stroke were examined in the acute and recovery (up to 1 year) periods. In the acute period of stroke and after a rehabilitation course, patients underwent assessment with Barthel Scale, modified Rankin
Scale, NIHSS scale, and health status questionnaire SF-36.
Results. We found that within the first 3 months following acute ischemic stroke there was an improvement due to rehabilitation course in all areas which determine patients’ quality of life (including Role Emotional and Mental Health SF-36 scores). Adherence to the personalized out-patient rehabilitation program determines improvement in neurological and SF-36 outcomes as well as establishes adaptive coping strategies.
Conclusion. Within the first year after a vascular accident, patients with mild to moderate post-stroke neurological deficits showed recovery in self-care activities, functional independence, SF-36 scores for physical and mental health components along with improvement of focal neurological deficits.
About the authors
Larisa V. Luk'yanchikova
South-Ural State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: lvl_med@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk
Galina N. Bel'skaya
South-Ural State Medical University
Email: lvl_med@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk
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