Progressive ischaemic stroke: the difficulty in choosing antithrombotic therapy

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Progressive ischaemic stroke is a clinical form of unfavourable progression of an acute cerebrovascular accident, found in around 20% of cases during the acute period. The strategy and approach to managing patients with an apparent deterioration during the acute period of stroke have not been fully established. Various types of antithrombotic therapy are discussed in the literature, with the use of antiplatelet drugs considered the most promising.

The authors analyse all types of antithrombotic therapy for progressive ischaemic stroke and examine in detail the only known case of late thrombolysis, which was performed in 1968.

About the authors

Evgenii A. Shirokov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy (Moscow branch)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

Nikita V. Lomakin

Central Clinical Hospital, Presidential Affairs Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Luydmila I. Buryachkovskaya

National Medical Cardiology Center

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2020 Shirokov E.A., Lomakin N.V., Buryachkovskaya L.I.

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