Flexible endoscopy in neurosurgery
- Authors: Gushcha A.O.1, Semenov M.S.1, Kashcheev A.A.1, Arestov S.O.1, Lepsveridze L.T.1
- Research Center of Neurology
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2015)
- Pages: 42-48
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 31.01.2017
- Published: 07.02.2017
- URL: https://annaly-nevrologii.com/journal/pathID/article/view/81
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.17816/psaic81
- ID: 81
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Endoscopic neurosurgery is a new and extremely promising area in surgical treatment of nervous system diseases. The advantages of the technique are associated with decreased severity of a surgical trauma due to a smaller approach, but with the preserved amount of performed manipulations. The article presents the first results of application of flexible endoscopy in the surgical treatment of diseases of the brain and spinal cord. A high efficacy of this high-tech approach and a significantly lower rate of complications compared to open surgery are demonstrated.
About the authors
Artem O. Gushcha
Research Center of Neurology
Email: akascheev@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow
M. S. Semenov
Research Center of Neurology
Email: akascheev@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow
Aleksey A. Kashcheev
Research Center of Neurology
Email: akascheev@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow
Sergey O. Arestov
Research Center of Neurology
Email: akascheev@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow
L. T. Lepsveridze
Research Center of Neurology
Author for correspondence.
Email: akascheev@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow
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