
Spectrum of Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease — a Review
Rizvi S.Z., Palimar V., Gupta C., Andrade L.S.
Survival, cognitive functions, and brain MRI in patients with cSVD: 5-year observation
Dobrynina L.A., Gadzhieva Z.S., Kremneva E.I., Shamtieva K.V., Tsypushtanova M.M., Makarova A.G., Trubitsyna V.V., Bitsieva E.T., Filatov A.S., Byrochkina A.A., Krotenkova M.V.
Clinical features of stroke in the artery of Percheron territory (case series)
Annushkin V.A., Nikonov A.A., Maksimova M.Y., Lagoda О.V., Tanashyan M.M.
The relationship between visuospatial disorders in Parkinson’s disease and thickness of retina and cortex
Litvinenko I.V., Boyko E.V., Kulikov A.N., Dynin P.S., Trufanov A.G., Mal’tsev D.S., Yurin A.A.
The role of arterial and venous blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow disturbances in the development of cognitive impairments in cerebral microangiopathy
Dobrynina L.A., Akhmetzyanov B.M., Gadzhieva Z.S., Kremneva Е.I., Kalashnikova L.A., Krotenkova M.V.
Cognitive motor dissociation in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness: a literature review
Belkin V.A., Ilina K.A., Ryabinkina Y.V.
The significance of thalamic nuclei degeneration in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: results of neuropsychological and morphometry studies
Trufanov A.G., Bisaga G.N., Skulyabin D.I., Tyomniy A.V., Yurin A.A., Poplyak M.O., Poltavskiy I.D., Litvinenko I.V., Odinak M.M., Tarumov D.A.
Resolved and unresolved issues of cerebrovascular disease in diabetes mellitus
Tanashyan М.М., Antonova K.V., Lagoda О.V., Shabalina А.А.
Sleep and Wakefulness Disorders in Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Merkulova T.B., Kovrov G.V., Yakhno N.N.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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