The paper contains results of the investigation of the laser-induced fluorescence detection method for the assessment of brain metabolism in situ through the dura mater. Models of anoxia and acute brain ischemia were used for the evaluation of reliability of the method utilizing registration of reduced tissue pyridine nucleotides fluorescence, as well as for the assessment of the viability index, based on the conversion of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin. Some pathobiochemical mechanisms of alterations in the pool of pyridine nucleotides in anoxia and ischemia were analyzed.
Laser-induced autofluorescence for assessment of methabolism and hemodynamic characteristics of the brain
- Authors: Salmina A.B.1, Salmin V.V.2, Frolova O.V.3, Laletin D.I.3, Fursov M.A.3, Skomorokha D.P.2, Fursov A.A.3, Kondrashov M.A.3, Medvedeva N.N.3, Malinovskaya N.A.3, Mantorova N.S.3
- Department of Biochemistry, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry
- Department of Photonics and Laser Technologies, IEPRE, Siberian Federal University
- Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
- Issue: Vol 5, No 3 (2011)
- Pages: 32-39
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 03.02.2017
- Published: 13.02.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 299
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About the authors
A. B. Salmina
Department of Biochemistry, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
V. V. Salmin
Department of Photonics and Laser Technologies, IEPRE, Siberian Federal University
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
O. V. Frolova
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
D. I. Laletin
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
M. A. Fursov
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
D. P. Skomorokha
Department of Photonics and Laser Technologies, IEPRE, Siberian Federal University
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
A. A. Fursov
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
M. A. Kondrashov
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
N. N. Medvedeva
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
N. A. Malinovskaya
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
N. S. Mantorova
Department of Histology and Embryology Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
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