
Surgical outcomes in patients with drug-resistant bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy confirmed via magnetic resonance imaging
Krylov V.V., Gekht A.B., Lebedeva A.V., Rider F.K., Trifonov I.S., Kaimovsky I.L., Sinkin M.V., Kordonskaya O.O., Yakovlev A.A., Komoltsev I.G., Magomedsultanov A.I., Navruzov R.A.
Long-Term Outcomes of Management of Inferior Alveolar Neuropathy Following Orthognatic Surgeries in Patients with Mandibular Anomalies and Deformities
Tanashyan M.M., Maximova M.Y., Fedin P.A., Noskova T.Y.
Assessment of risk of cerebral intra-operative complications during reconstructive operations on brachiocephal arteries in patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic course of chronic brain ischemia
Lysichenkova O.V., Sukhanov S.G., Shestakov V.V., Kondratyev A.V.
Surgical results for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhagesdepending on intervention timing
Dashyan V.G., Godkov I.M., Prokop’ev L.V., Grin A.A., Krylov V.V.
Neuroprotection in cardiosurgery
Suslina Z.A., Bokeria L.A., Piradov M.A., Malashenkov A.I., Akhmadzhonuva N.A., Fedin P.A., Rodionova Y.V., Rebrova O.Y., Krotenkova M.V., Lagutin A.V., Klochkov A.S.
Flexible endoscopy in neurosurgery
Gushcha A.O., Semenov M.S., Kashcheev A.A., Arestov S.O., Lepsveridze L.T.
Analysing the reasons for rejection of neurosurgery intervention in patients with Parkinson’s disease referred to an extrapyramidal movement disorders clinic
Bril’ E.V., Tomskiy А.A., Poddubskaya A.A., Gamaleya A.A., Fedorova N.V.
Hybrid revascularization of the heart and brain: which carotid endarterectomy is preferable?
Kazantsev A.N., Vinogradov R.A., Artyukhov S.V., Roshkovskaya L.V., Matusevich V.V., Bagdavadze G.S., Lider R.Y., Janelidze M.O., Chikin A.E., Zaitseva T.E., Linets Y.P.
Surgical treatment of epilepsy secondary to a hypothalamic hamartoma: a case report
Areshkina I.G., Dmitrenko D.V., Dmitrenko A.I., Narodova E.A.
Spinal cord stimulation in failed back surgery syndrome
Kashcheev A.A., Gushcha A.O., Yusupova A.R., Turnikov V.M., Arestov S.O., Vershinin A.V., Dreval M.D., Poltorako Y.N., Petrosyan D.V.
The role of personality disorders in the management of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy after neurosurgical resections
Narodova E.A., Schneider N.A., Narodov A.A., Dmitrenko D.V., Strotskaya I.G., Moskaleva P.V.
Diagnosis and management of traumatic neuropathy
Tanashyan M.M., Maksimova M.Y., Fedin P.A., Lagoda O.V., Musaeva E.M.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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