
Single-Stage Extracranial and Intracranial Stenting of the Internal Carotid Artery in a Patient with Open Circle of Willis and Associated Renovascular Hypertension
Agarkov M.V., Safuanov A.A., Evreeva S.T., Gertsog O.B., Safuanova O.S., Popov V.V., Khilchuk A.A.
Assessment of Biomarker Profile in Patients Post Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting
Tanashyan М.М., Annushkin V.A., Raskurazhev A.A., Lagoda O.V., Shabalina А.A., Medvedev R.B., Shchipakin V.L.
Modern opportunities for surgical treatment of multiple lesions of brachiocephal arteries
Skrylev S.I., Shchipakin V.L., Koshcheev A.Y., Lobova N.M., Evdokimova T.P., Chechetkin A.O., Davydenko I.S., Fedin P.A.
Immediate and long-term outcome of stenting of proximal parts of aortic arch branches
Suslina Z.A., Chechetkin A.O., Kunzevich G.I., Skrylev S.I., Protsky S.V., Koshcheev A.Y., Shchipakin V.L., Lagoda O.V., Krasnikov A.V.
Carotid artery stenting: early and long-term results
Chechetkin A.O., Kunzevich G.I., Skrylev S.I., Koshcheev A.Y., Prozky S.V., Lagoda O.V., Krasnikov A.V., Suslina Z.A.
Endovascular interventions of stenosing brachiocephal arteries
Protsky S.V., Dobzhansky N.V.
Vertebral artery stenting: problem of restenosis
Chechetkin A.O.
Hybrid revascularization: stenting of left internal carotid artery after restenosis, combined with left anterior descending artery stenting and right carotid endarterectomy
Kazantsev A.N., Dzhafarova S.A., Tsoroeva D.B., Korotkikh A.V., Vinogradov R.A., Kravchuk V.N., Shmatov D.V., Chernykh K.P.
Carotid sinus syndrome in carotid angioplasty with stenting
Polishchuk R.V., Piradov М.A., Ryabinkina Y.V., Shchipakin V.L., Koshcheev A.Y., Prokazova P.R.
Hybrid revascularization of the heart and brain: which carotid endarterectomy is preferable?
Kazantsev A.N., Vinogradov R.A., Artyukhov S.V., Roshkovskaya L.V., Matusevich V.V., Bagdavadze G.S., Lider R.Y., Janelidze M.O., Chikin A.E., Zaitseva T.E., Linets Y.P.
Quality of life in patients with transluminal balloon angioplasty and stenting of the vertebral arteries
Maksimova M.Y., Sermagambetova Z.N., Skrylev S.I., Koshcheev A.Y., Shchipakin V.L., Sinitsyn I.A.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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